Professor Emeritus
Zogzas N. P., is emeritus professor in the Food Science & Technology Department, of the West Attica University of Athens (U.W.A.), where from October 1982 until today, teaches Food Processing and Engineering aspects. He graduated as a chemical engineer from the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) in July 1976. In December 1977, he was admitted to an Msc degree in Food Technology (Food Process Engineering Option), of the Reading University of U.K., while in November 1996, he was admitted to a Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering of the (N.T.U.A.) with a thesis entitled “Moisture Diffusion in Foods”.
He has a considerable amount of scientific, academic and administrative work, having published, 13 works in international peer-reviewed scientific journals with more than 1135 citations (www. scopus.com), 17 works in international conferences, one chapter in a food engineering handbook and one scientific book in food engineering, participating in many research projects, teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate courses and being head of the department for four years.
His fields of research interest are, Drying of Foods, Sorption/Desorption Kinetics, Food Rheology, Experimental Determination of Thermophysical Properties of Foods, Cost Estimation, Design and Optimization of Food Processes