Assistant Professor
Irini F. Strati is a chemist from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR) with MSc degree in Food Science from the University of Reading (U.K.) and PhD from the Laboratory of Food Science and Technology of School of Chemical Engineering (NTUA, GR). She has working experience as a Food Chemist in R&D Departments of food industries and over 20 years of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience at the Department of Food Science and Technology of the University of West Attica. Her research interests focus on: (1) the extraction of natural antioxidants from agricultural and industrial by-products (2) the chemical characterization of bioactive compounds and application in natural products, (3) the development and application of HPLC chromatography methods for the analysis of natural antioxidants (carotenoids, vitamins, phenolic compounds), (4) the application of visible-ultraviolet and infrared spectrophotometric methods for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of compounds, (5) the application of methods for measuring the antioxidant and antiradical activity of natural antioxidants, and (6) the use of experimental design of statistical analysis for process optimization. Her authorship is summarized in 40 original publications and review articles in peer-reviewed International Scientific Journals, 58 papers in International and Greek Conferences, 1 Book Chapter and Educational Notes. She is a reviewer in more than 15 Scientific Journals.