Dr Protonotariou Styliani is an Agronomist in Food Science and Technology (2004-2009, Agricultural University of Athens, AUA). In 2011, she earned her master’s degree in the field of “Food Engineering-Computer Applications in Food Science and Technology of the Faculty of Food Science and Technology and Human Nutrition” (ΑUA). In 2017, she defended her doctoral dissertation on “Development of Cereal Milling tra She is certified as an educator of non-formal education (National Organization for Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance) and graduated from the Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPΕTE).
From 2010 to 2017, she has contributed as laboratory assistant at the Food Engineering, Processing and Preservation Laboratory of AUA, within the course “Development of new products, Technology of Plant Products and Physical Properties of Foods”. Since 2014, she participated in the conduct and organization of laboratory courses at the Food Engineering, Processing and Preservation Laboratory of the AUA, within the postgraduate course “Development of new products” of the branch “Food Processing and Preservation”. In 2017, she was appointed Scientific/Laboratory Associate at the University of Western Attica (UNIWA) and participated in the “Food Processing I and II” and “Quality Control & Grain Technology” workshops. In 2019, she was appointed Academic Scholar at UNIWA and participated in the “Science & Technology of Plant Products/Science and Technology of Fruits and Vegetables” workshops of the Department of Food Science and Technology.
From 2010 until today, Protonotariou has worked on six (6) research projects. Her scientific integrity is certified by her publications in international journals (14), her participation as co-author in collective volumes in foreign editions (3), and her participation in international conferences (21 papers). She is also a reviewer in three (3) international journals. She has 454 citations for her scientific research papers and h-index 10, Scopus.