Assistant Professor
Short CV Elisabeth Koussissi
Assistant professor Elisabeth Koussissi is a proficient sensory scientist, pragmatic researcher and passionate educator. Her research interests span from sensory studies including development and evaluation of novel sensory methods, flavor understanding of different food and drink products, linking flavor and sensory attributes of food and beverages to different raw materials and production parameters, consumer studies, and relating sensory to consumer data for the same products.
After graduating as an Oenologist from the Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens, Dr. Koussissi worked in the company VIORYL S.A., in Athens, where she participated in two EU research programs on the control of ripening in fruits and vegetables. In September 1999 she moved to Glasgow, U.K. to carry out an M.Sc. in Food Biotechnology at the University of Strathclyde, where she stayed on to carry out a Ph.D. in Sensory Science, studying the sensory and compositional properties of Greek red wines. In October 2003, upon completion of her Ph.D., she returned to Athens, to work as a Post-Doc and teaching assistant in the field of sensory and flavor evaluation of wines and foods, in the School of Food Sciences of T.E.I. From September 2005 to October 2006 she worked as research fellow in the University of Strathclyde where she also carried out the teaching of Dr. John Piggott, while he was on sabbatical. In April 2007, she moved to Holland to work in the Research & Development department of the company Heineken B.V., initially as a Sensory and later (2012) as a Flavor Scientist, where she stayed until February 2018.
During that period, Dr. Koussissi had the opportunity to lead and participate in several research projects that led to either the fundamental knowledge building of the company, or the direct development of innovative and successful new products. In parallel, she collaborated with the academia while co-supervising PhD projects.
In April 2018, she was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Wine, Vine and Beverage Sciences, School of Food Sciences of the University of West Attica, where she has been responsible for the under and post graduate courses of “Sensory Analyses of Wines and drinks” and contributing to the post graduate programme of the Food Science Department: “Sensory Evaluation of Foods”.
Selected Publications:
- Tsapou, E.A., Tzortzis, P.M. and Koussissi, E., 2024. Application of Polarized Projective Mapping combined with Ultra Flash Profiling to a complex− High fatigue product category: The case of Greek grape marc spirits. Food Quality and Preference, p.105182.
- Tsapou, E.A., Dourtoglou, V., Dourtoglou, T., Sinanoglou, V. and Koussissi, E., 2023. Volatile Profile in Greek Grape Marc Spirits with HS-SPME-GC-MS and Chemometrics: Evaluation of Terroir Impact. ACS omega, 8(45), pp.42803-42814.
- Piornos, J.A., Koussissi, E., Balagiannis, D.P., Brouwer, E. and Parker, J.K., 2023. Alcohol‐free and low‐alcohol beers: Aroma chemistry and sensory characteristics. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 22(1), pp.233-259.
- Piornos, J.A., Balagiannis, D.P., Methven, L., Koussissi, E., Brouwer, E. and Parker, J.K., 2020. Elucidating the odor-active aroma compounds in alcohol-free beer and their contribution to the worty flavor. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68(37), pp.10088-10096.
- Piornos, J.A., Delgado, A., de La Burgade, R.C., Methven, L., Balagiannis, D.P., Koussissi, E., Brouwer, E. and Parker, J.K., 2019. Orthonasal and retronasal detection thresholds of 26 aroma compounds in a model alcohol-free beer: Effect of threshold calculation method. Food research international, 123, pp.317-326.
- Koussissi, E., Dourtoglou, V.G., Ageloussis, G., Paraskevopoulos, Y., Dourtoglou, T., Paterson, A. and Chatzilazarou, A., 2009. Influence of toasting of oak chips on red wine maturation from sensory and gas chromatographic headspace analysis. Food Chemistry, 114(4), pp.1503-1509.
- Koussissi, E., Paterson, A. and Piggott, J.R., 2007. Sensory profiling of aroma in Greek dry red wines using rank-rating and monadic scoring related to headspace composition. European Food Research and Technology, 225, pp.749-756.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0038-8175
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xOQOs6sAAAAJ&hl=en
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6507019959
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elisabeth-Koussissi