Assistant Professor
Dr. Eleni Gogou holds a Chemical Engineering Diploma (2003) and a PhD in Food Engineering (2010) from the National Technical University of Athens, Laboratory of Chemistry and Food Technology. She has served as Assistant Professor at the Department of Food Science & Nutrition, School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Thessaly (May 2021-January 2023). Since January 2024, she is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Food Science & Technology, Faculty of Food Sciences, University of West Attica, specializing in “Food Process Engineering and Processing/Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables”.
She has actively participated in European and Greek funded research projects (20 projects) in the scientific fields of quality and shelf-life modelling, smart and active food packaging, nonthermal processing, cold chain management, development of innovative food processing methods to extend the shelf life of food and valorization of agrifood side streams. She has research experience in developing validation tools and methodology for the verification of thermal and nonthermal processes (specializing in high pressure processing). She has been one of the co-founders of a startup company (Natural Food Additives, NFA, 2017) specializing in extracting bioactive compounds from organically cultivated herbs while investigating the use of agrofood by-products as new sources of raw materials for the food and cosmetics producing sector.
Results of her research have been published in peer-reviewed scientific articles (15), book chapters (5) and proceedings of scientific conferences (37) (SCOPUS: 634 citations, h-index: 11, January 2024). She is a member of the “Science Dissemination & Communication Standing Committee” of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) and the “Food Saving Alliance in Greece”.